Become a Member of the Keepers
To support the Point SLO Lighthouse Keepers in our mission to restore, preserve, operate and maintain the Lighthouse, you can join our Lighthouse Keepers through our membership program.
Lighthouse Keeper $50 • Lighthouse Mariner $100 • Lighthouse Navigator $250 • Light Station Inspector $500
Light Station Commander $1,000.
Each annual membership level comes with a newsletter and continuing perks, such as tickets to a regular tour, tickets to a concert, and in the case of Commander level your name will be inscribed on a plaque on display at the Lighthouse.
To become an annual member call the office at 805-540-5771 or send a check to PO Box 308, Avila Beach, CA, 93424, c/o Point San Luis Lighthouse Keepers, OR do it online right here!

Or, make a donation in any amount you’d like!
Show your support and love for the Lighthouse, and help us on our mission to maintain this beautiful part of Californian history!