Help Preserve History by Joining the Tuesday Work Crew
Every Tuesday the "Work Crew" heads up to the lighthouse to work on projects and to help maintain the structural stability of the buildings on the property and the landscape as well. Some of the volunteers have been working at the lighthouse for over twenty years, others have just joined up recently. If you have skills or the desire to come assist at the lighthouse then you are wanted! Recent projects included the construction of the wheelchair ramp to the back of the keeper's residence, and planting of new native plants in front of the duplex building. Whether its sweeping, painting, construction projects, or just helping out by washing windows, the lighthouse would not be in such great shape if it were not for the Tuesday Work Crew. Interested workers should contact lighthouse staff--we would love to have you out!
Volunteer Opportunities Galore!
We have a full schedule of activities including Concerts, Weddings and Events affording many volunteer opportunities. Concert volunteers are needed for set-up and tear-down of the venue area, ticketing, food/beverage preparation and service, runners, parking lot attendants, docents, and gift shop keepers.
Wedding volunteers are needed for set-up and tear-down of the venue area, parking lot attendants, docents and gift stop keeper.
Event volunteers are needed for set-up and tear-down of the venue area, food /beverage preparation and service, runners, parking lot attendants , docents and gift shop keeper.

Want to be a Docent?
There is a wide range of volunteer opportunities at the Point San Luis Light Station. We have docent led tours twice a week for those interested in sharing history. One step further is our period-attire clothing program, for docents who want to dress up in nineteenth-century garb. There is the Tuesday Work Crew as well. We also have opportunities for people who like to write and do research, assist us in building our research library and archive. The lighthouse is the most beautiful volunteer spot on the Central Coast, come spend some time and assist us in maintaining our beauty!
Point San Luis Lighthouse is operated by a team of over sixty-five volunteers & docents. It’s a great way to give back locally, learn about California history, and spend time in a beautiful environment.
There are a lot of ways to get involved: join the Tuesday work crew that helps with restoration and grounds projects, become a Lighthouse docent, assist during special events, assist with our community education program or help in our gift shop.
Many hands make light work. Whatever your talent or interest, we need you. Please join our volunteer family