Why the Lighthouse is Here

Before the Lighthouse was built in 1890, the Avila Beach area was exploding with an influx of commerce coming through Port Harford Pier. The mountains that surround San Luis Obispo acted as an obstacle to trade, which made the ocean and this port,  the preferred way to move people and goods from place to place.

But rock reefs on the southeast side of Whaler Island at the entry to the harbor were a repeat complaint of ship captains and government engineers. In foggy weather, steamships had to lay off the coast in open water, sometimes for days, waiting for clear enough weather to approach the shoals and enter the bay.

S.S. Santa Rosa of the Pacific Steamship Co. wrecked near Point San Luis

S.S. Santa Rosa of the Pacific Steamship Co. wrecked near Point San Luis

On March 3, 1887, after much pressure, congress appropriated $50,000 for the purchase of land, materials, a 4th order Fresnel lens, and a steam fog signal.

In 1992, the Port San Luis Harbor District received the 30 acre light station site from the Federal Government, with the understanding that the light station would be a historical, educational, and recreational site, for the use and enjoyment of the public.

In 1995, the non profit Point San Luis Lighthouse Keepers group was formed. Since then, it has been their mission to restore and maintain the light station and to open it to the public.

Please consider a small donation to help us continue our mission to Preserve and Protect this unique property for the next generation.